Food Share
Food Share
Veggie Rescue in East Hartford
Veggie Rescue is a project of the East Hartford Hunger Action Team (HAT). The East Hartford Hunger Action Team recognized and honored two local farmers as part of the December 10th HAT meeting. Donated surplus farm fresh produce from area growers Futtner Family Farm and Handel Family Farm provided 100s of pounds of fresh produce during the summer. The produce was delivered to East Hartford sites including senior housing complexes, the East Hartford Shelter and adult education students at New Covenant United Methodist Church (NCUMC).
Plaques were presented to the farmers from the East Hartford HAT members to recognize their amazing generosity and care for our neighbors. The HAT received a large delivery of butternut squash prior to the meeting from the farmers. The HAT looks forward to bringing more local produce into the community in the future and expanding relationships with local growers.
For more information about Foodshare's Hunger Action Teams, please contact Beatrice Maslowski at 860-286-9999 x180
(l to r) Rev Gary Richards (NCUMC), Jim Futtner, Honora Futtner, Maggie Futtner (Futtner Family Farms), Bob Handel (Handel Family Farm), Rosemary Bottum (NCUMC); not pictured: Lisa Handel